Dealing with idiot coworkers...
I have encountered more than my fair share of stupid co workers. Those who have made my work life difficult by simply sharing my air....
Remember how far you have come....
This week sucked man.....My grandmother's health is failing, work was stupid, and I was sinking under the pressure. You'd think a year...
On Sundays, we meal prep....
Sundays used to be one of the hardest days for my family. Not because of any other reason but that it was the signal of the new week...
Learning how to trust God's timing
Fear is something I have struggled with over the course of my life. Fear of change, fear of failure, even fear of doing well is something...
Words of Wisdom Wednesday
#love #life #DIY #New #sahm #diet #new #fitfam #funny #Livelong #beforeafter #thepowerorpositivity #newopportunities #soul #fun #health...
Distractions.....Distractions everywhere.....
I feel like I have not been centered lately. My thoughts and my focus both at work and at home have been all over the place. I find...