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Remember how far you have come....

This week sucked man.....My grandmother's health is failing, work was stupid, and I was sinking under the pressure. You'd think a year into this I would be tougher but I'm not. I ate a bunch of junk on a recent trip for Robert's new business, and I was really being hard on myself. The little voice in my head was creeping in. All I heard was "wow, fatty.....look at what you did!" "Well, you should just get used to looking like this" and my favorite "Look at all your hard work - wasted" It really was borderline mental. I had to take a step back and look at what I was doing.

I decided to take a look back at my pictures from a year them side by side to recent ones and see how much really has changed. At first I was very quick to point out my flaws.

Well, my face is still so round, my arms are still flabby, my love handles will never go away, etc. etc. etc. But then I actually listened to those words.....I heard how negative I was being and I thought of how it would feel if someone else was saying that to me. Or worse, if I was saying those things to someone else. I then started to notice all the changes between the old and new pictures. Look how happy I look now, there's a glow that wasn't there before, I am 2 sizes down now. (sometimes 3 depending on the store lol) I am not hiding behind people in photos anymore, my belly doesn't poke out farther than my boobs hahaha! There have been so many changes during this past year and I needed to take a minute and realize that. Really let that sink in!

My body is amazing! It's created life, it's helped me thrive in this world and I am not going to verbally bash it and treat it like dirt. This was more than a slap in the face tonight - this was punch to the head! I need to get it together and relight the fire in my heart! So here I am - awake, ready to conquer the world! And I encourage each and every one of you to do the same. Do not let anyone ESPECIALLY YOU, steal your joy. You are amazing individuals, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends who deserve a chance in life.


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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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