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The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

Ahhhhhhhh the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, how I love you. Being a Houston native I didn't understand how a big rodeo wasn't a thing everywhere else too. We love seeing the concerts and the livestock show is so cool to come and experience even if you are a little freaked out by farm animals hanging out in a big arena.

This year we unfortunately couldn't make time to see all the concerts I wanted to see but I did squeeze in seeing Chris Stapleton with my girls. He was ahhhhmazing, in my opinion even better in person. I brought the whole family to the carnival where we indulged in some artery clogging fried food. I really lived it up for a few hours there but I was definitely feeling crappy the next day and remembered why I never ate like that. LOL! But those fried oreos though........ definitely a bucket list item. TRUST.

Now, if you're like me and at least tried to fit in one of two not horrible things to eat while you're at a carnival, you'll be happy to know I did find a few options. I mean, I already knew oreos and corn dogs would happen eventually but lets not lose our damn minds, ok? I managed to find a good few vendors with smoked BBQ turkey breast. You can always find a huge smoked turkey leg which is a little over 500 calories if you eat the whole thing yourself. I can never finish one so I'm guesstimating I ate about 300 calories myself. Instead of guzzling down a cold Dr. Pepper like my heart was calling out for, I opted for some unsweet tea instead. And we all shared bites from some fresh roasted corn minus all the mayo and butter toppings but with some spices added for extra flavor.

This just reminds me that we can't stop living our lives and having fun because we don't want to be unhealthy. Let yourself let go and indulge from time to time because life is all about balance. Because you better believe I can't wait to go again next year!

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My Journey of Discovery
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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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