Wow, so 2016 was gross.

I don't know about you, but I have hit a few bumps this year. Thankfully, my family is healthy, I am healthy, and we have big plans for 2017. I have done a fair share of self reflection over the past week or so. Just thinking back on what my dreams are and what I did in 2016 and didn't do. I know there have been times this year where I just became complacent and even though I tried to motivate myself I just never got back on the wagon.
Instead of beating myself up about it, I'm choosing to move forward. I need to identify what I did and make sure I don't fall back into those old habits. So - meal prepping will take place EVERY. SINGLE. SUNDAY. so I have no excuse for eating out during the work week. And I will continue my gym routine as I have been but I want to incorporate a class at least once a week so I have some variety.
I'm confident I can get back on track and reach my weight loss and health goal. I've come too far to turn back now! 💪🏼