Rethinking your food choices

I know I know I know....... Juggling life, kids, and trying to lose weight can be overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like there's no time to meal prep or create fresh dishes to fuel your body with what it needs. So in the rush of every day life we tend to forgo the healthy foods we need for a hot meal from a drive thru. I used to tell myself, "just today, and I'll cook tomorrow" or the famous "I'll get the salad it'll be better than a burger". How wrong I was!!!
If it comes from a fast food chain, you can bet your butt that's it's been processed with chemicals you couldn't even dream of pronouncing correctly. Your soda whether it be diet or original isn't really better for you one way or the other - if the sugar doesn't get you, the artificial sweetener will. When I was making a break from soda aka sugar poison, I opted for unsweetened tea. After about a week I didn't even crave the junk anymore. Fast forward to about a month later I took a sip of my son's coke and nearly gagged. It was so incredibly sweet I couldn't believe I used to drink whole cans!
And yes I'm sorry, fast food salads aren't healthy at all! In some cases one of those nasty burgers is actually less in calories than one of their salads. You have to think about the high fat dressings, cheese, and mutant chicken they're putting into it. Doesn't sound so appetizing now, does it?
The way you win is by putting yourself first. It sounded crazy to me at at the beginning, but now I refuse to not meal prep on Sundays. If I want a burger, or baked chicken tenders, and of course salads - I make it myself. That way I get to choose what goes into those items. It does take more work. I have to admit it takes more effort than passing through a drive thru at the end of the day. But putting my family's health first combined with the savings from all the eating out we once did it's been a real bonus! We used to spend over $400 a month eating take out and going to restaurants. For my family that adds up to $4800 a year! That's a family vacation!!!! Or a crap ton of shoes! Or the majority of a boob job, at least one boob and part of the other. Anyway - you get my point.
I'm not saying lock yourself away and never go out again. I'm saying reevaluate what you put in your body and make changes that put you first. I promise you, you're worth it. 😘