Are you pooping enough?
Everyone poops. Some people might even be reading this now on the can.
It's ok there's no judgement here 😉
But seriously, before taking my nutrition seriously I was THE poster child for poor gut health. It wasn't uncommon for me to go four days or so without pooping. I had bouts of constipation followed by really uncomfortable diarrhea. I'm talking about drop what you're doing and find a safe space because your whole day is about to be ruined diarrhea. I chalked up the bloating and discomfort I usually felt during the week to me just being a weird pooper. It wasn't until I spoke to my doctor thinking I had IBS that he let me know how abnormal my version of regular was. Although the he wanted to make sure I did not indeed suffer from a legitimate health issue, he had a feeling I could improve my stomach issues in other ways. He let me know not only was my gut health important to me effectively losing weight I always complained about, but it also had ties to heart disease and other seriously scary diseases. I realized then I needed to start at least getting more fiber in my diet and trying to drink more water. I have to admit the change in diet helped a bit. I found myself going more often but I felt like I could still need some help with the bloating I was feeling.
I did some reading online and looked into different probiotics I could buy over the counter. Guess what? It turns out, there are thousands! I've read and pinterested so much you'd think I had some sort of weird butt fetish lol! But seriously, there were quite a few things on the market and even some rather odd remedies that could sometimes sound scary or unsafe so I had my work cut out for me. I wanted to improve my gut health without killing myself. I wasn't down for the angry projectile action some people exiperienced. I tried a few I picked up from my local grocery store. Some had no affect at all while others had special rules like to keep them in the fridge where I would just end up forgetting all about them all together. So you could only imagine how happy I was when I started using AdvoCare and I found they have their own probiotic! I was thrilled because I knew how much research and testing goes into their line of products and I knew I could trust it. Also, they made it easy and even had a way I could combine the probiotic in an easy prepackaged vitamin strip. It really took the guess work out of it for me.
After about 2 days of being on the probiotic restore I could feel the difference. Being on the probiotic combined with clean eating and drinking more water helped me actually start pooping daily! And I no longer have the frequent diarrhea and constipation issues I had before. I seriously will never get off of this stuff! I even have my son take it daily after receiving approval from his doctor also. He thankfully did not have issues as bad as mine, but he was constipated pretty often and this has fixed him right up! Pretty awesome from a family of previously poor poopers 😂
I'm seriously so glad I found this stuff! And keep in mind, I am not paid to write reviews on this product! I simply want to pass along my experience and help someone who may be experiencing a similar issue.