My first Color Run!

Well, in my quest to be more active I decided to sign my family up for the Color Fun Fest after seeing an add for a discount on Facebook. Since I am always looking for a bargain, I was quick to jump on the deal.
Now, what I didn't take into consideration was the downpour Houston has recently endured and how ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NASTY the ground would be. We had a good few weeks of good weather but about 2 days before the run we were slammed with rain again. Although the weather held off for the day of, the whole race path was horribly muddy. And yes, I get it - Alex this is supposed to be a messy fun time. But OMG FA REAL - mud mixed with colored powder make a nasty mix.
K had a great time and loved pelting everyone with colored powder. And it's really good that we all went as a family. It made me realize how important making these memories are and I made a promise to myself to do more of these activities with him. Even though I take him with me almost all the places I go, things need to be more than just running errands. I need to do life with those who I love.
But if you know me, I always have to put in my 2 cents about everything. So, if you're planing on running a fun run in the future, my words of wisdom would definitely be.
1.DO NOT spend extra on the VIP package.
2. DO NOT waste your time on make up
3. DO NOT spend extra on more color powder packets.
4. DO wear whatever you want - tutus, crazy socks, the whole shebang in totally normal for these things. I was a little self conscious but I had a lot of fun!
5. DO grab a funny fanny pack to wear, I used a string back pack and was constantly taking it off and putting it back on to get my phone out for pictures. A brightly colored fanny pack would have been way more convenient.
6. DO bring garbage bags or old sheets to cover your car seats or else you'll be trying to get the colored powder out forever.
7. DO let loose and enjoy the moment!