Flossie doesn't have time for your shit
Oh man, I needed this laugh today! If you haven't seen this video floating around the interwebs, make sure you take a moment and watch Ms. Flossie Dickey. This woman was born BEFORE WWI, she's obviously seen great change in this world and lived to tell about it. I cannot imagine making it to 110 years old then having to sit around while some news reporter tries to make a story out of you. Luckily Ms. Flossie wasn't having part in these Fox news nonsense and just sipped on her coffee/tea/whiskey and waited for the interview to end.
Flossie's got some sweet gems for us, ladies and gents. Apparently naps are where it's at because she's damn tired and she likes her whiskey straight. Her secret to life is not to fight it and "just live it". I really hope she enjoyed her birthday party even though she didn't seem too thrilled about it. LOL
Well, seriously there you have it. Now excuse me while I have some whiskey!